Bite off some great advice
Tip #1
Know your body, accept it and embrace it. Dressing for the shape you have "today" is the most important element of style. If you deny the reality of your body, you will never be able to dress any of it well - even the parts you love.
Tip #2
Distract by attracting attention to your best assets. instead of trying to cover up what you don't like. Example: If you have larger hips, wear a great statement necklace to draw the attention to your face.
Tip #3
Shape is more important than color, print or pattern.
Tip #4
Never accept clothing the way it is, make it work for your body. Rarely does a garment fit you off the rack, they need to be tailored to be perfect.
Tip #5
Dress for your body, not your age.
Tip #6
Buy the highest quality shoes and handbag you can afford. These pieces set the tone for the rest of your outfit. If they look cheap, your whole outfit will look cheap.
Tip #7
Price per wear is more important than cost.
Tip #8
Spend your budget on accessories, you get the most bang for your buck and they set you apart.
Tip #9
Take a picture of yourself in the outfit to see how you really look. The mirror is too emotional, because you "want" it to work. Use these pictures to create a look book.
Tip #10
Add an element of surprise; something that contradicts everything you are wearing. Contrast creates beauty; either with shapes, styles, colors, etc. body shapes, tough / pretty, bold colors / neutrals.
Tip #11
Your outfit and accessories need to "go" not "match".
Tip #12
The best outfits are a little "off". Imperfection makes it unique.
Tip #13
Roll up your sleeves to expose the thinnest part of your arm. It also gives your outfit an effortless chic vibe.
Tip #14
Hem your pants to wear with either flats or heels. I have my clients buy two pairs of the same jeans and pants and have them altered for both flats and heels.